Section: Partnerships and Cooperations

European Initiatives

FP7 & H2020 Projects

  • Title: Electrostructural Tomography – Towards Multiparametric Imaging of Cardiac Electrical Disorders

  • Programm: H2020

  • Type: ERC

  • Duration: 2017 - 2022

  • Coordinator: U. Bordeaux

  • Inria contact: Maxime Sermesant

  • Cardiac electrical diseases are directly responsible for sudden cardiac death, heart failure and stroke. They result from a complex interplay between myocardial electrical activation and structural heterogeneity. Current diagnostic strategy based on separate electrocardiographic and imaging assessment is unable to grasp both these aspects. Improvements in personalised diagnostics are urgently needed as existing curative or preventive therapies (catheter ablation, multisite pacing, and implantable defibrillators) cannot be offered until patients are correctly recognised.

    ECSTATIC aims at achieving a major advance in the way cardiac electrical diseases are characterised and thus diagnosed and treated, through the development of a novel non-invasive modality (Electrostructural Tomography), combining magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and non-invasive cardiac mapping (NIM) technologies.

    The approach will consist of: (1) hybridising NIM and MRI technologies to enable the joint acquisition of magnetic resonance images of the heart and torso and of a large array of body surface potentials within a single environment; (2) personalising the inverse problem of electrocardiography based on MRI characteristics within the heart and torso, to enable accurate reconstruction of cardiac electrophysiological maps from body surface potentials within the 3D cardiac tissue; and (3) developing a novel disease characterisation framework based on registered non-invasive imaging and electrophysiological data, and propose novel diagnostic and prognostic markers.

    This project will dramatically impact the tailored management of cardiac electrical disorders, with applications for diagnosis, risk stratification/patient selection and guidance of pacing and catheter ablation therapies. It will bridge two medical fields (cardiac electrophysiology and imaging), thereby creating a new research area and a novel semiology with the potential to modify the existing classification of cardiac electrical diseases.

  • Title: Model-Driven European Paediatric Digital Repository

  • Programm: FP7

  • Duration: March 2013 - February 2017

  • Coordinator: Ospedale Pediatrico Bambini Gesù, Rome.

  • Partners:

    • Athena Research and Innovation Center in Information Communication & Knowledge Technologies (Greece)

    • Biomolecular Research Genomics (Italy)

    • Deutsches Herzzentrum Berlin (Germany)

    • Empirica Gesellschaft für Kommunikations- und Technologie Forschung Mbh (Germany)

    • Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft Zur Foerderung Der Angewandten Forschung E.V (Germany)

    • Haute Ecole Specialisée de Suisse Occidentale (Switzerland)

    • Istituto Giannina Gaslini (Italy)

    • Katholieke Universiteit Leuven (Belgium)

    • Lynkeus (Italy)

    • Motek Medical B.V. (Netherlands)

    • Ospedale Pediatrico Bambino Gesu (Italy)

    • Siemens Aktiengesellschaft (Germany)

    • Siemens Corporation (United States)

    • Technische Universiteit Delft (Netherlands)

    • University College London (United Kingdom)

    • Universitair Medisch Centrum Utrecht (Netherlands)

    • Universita Degli Studi di Roma Lapienza (Italy)

    • The University of Sheffield (United Kingdom)

    • Universitatea Transilvania Din Brasov (Romania)

    • Stichting Vu-Vumc (Netherlands)

    • Maat Francerl (France)

  • Inria contact: Xavier Pennec

  • MD-Paedigree is a clinically-led VPH project that addresses both the first and the second actions of part B of Objective ICT-2011.5.2:

    1. it enhances existing disease models stemming from former EC-funded research (Health-e-Child and Sim-e-Child) and from industry and academia, by developing robust and reusable multi-scale models for more predictive, individualised, effective and safer healthcare in several disease areas;

    2. it builds on the eHealth platform already developed for Health-e-Child and Sim-e-Child to establish a worldwide advanced paediatric digital repository. Integrating the point of care through state-of-the-art and fast response interfaces, MD-Paedigree services a broad range of off-the-shelf models and simulations to support physicians and clinical researchers in their daily work. MD-Paedigree vertically integrates data, information and knowledge of incoming patients, in participating hospitals from across Europe and the USA, and provides innovative tools to define new workflows of models towards personalised predictive medicine. Conceived of as a part of the 'VPH Infostructure' described in the ARGOS, MD-Paedigree encompasses a set of services for storage, sharing, similarity search, outcome analysis, risk stratification, and personalised decision support in paediatrics within its innovative model-driven data and workflow-based digital repository. As a specific implementation of the VPH-Share project, MD-Paedigree fully interoperates with it. It has the ambition to be the dominant tool within its purview. MD-Paedigree integrates methodological approaches from the targeted specialties and consequently analyzes biomedical data derived from a multiplicity of heterogeneous sources (from clinical, genetic and metagenomic analysis, to MRI and US image analytics, to haemodynamics, to real-time processing of musculoskeletal parameters and fibres biomechanical data, and others), as well as specialised biomechanical and imaging VPH simulation models.

  • Title: Biophysical Modeling and Analysis of Dynamic Medical Images

  • Programme: FP7

  • Type: ERC

  • Period: April 2012 - March 2017

  • Coordinator: Inria

  • Inria contact: Nicholas Ayache

  • During the past decades, exceptional progress was made with in vivo medical imaging technologies to capture the anatomical, structural and physiological properties of tissues and organs in patients, with an ever increasing spatial and temporal resolution. Physicians are now faced with a formidable overflow of information, especially when a time dimension is added to the already hard to integrate 3-D spatial, multimodal and multiscale dimensions of modern medical images. This increasingly hampers the early detection and understanding of subtle image modifications, which can have a vital impact on the patient's health. To change this situation, a new generation of computational models for the simulation and analysis of dynamic medical images is introduced. Thanks to their generative nature, they will allow the construction of databases of synthetic and realistic medical image sequences simulating various evolving diseases, producing an invaluable new resource for training and benchmarking. Leveraging on their principled biophysical and statistical foundations, these new models will bring an added clinical value once they have been personalized with innovative methods to fit the medical images of any specific patient. By explicitly revealing the underlying evolving biophysical processes observable in the images, this approach will yield new groundbreaking image processing tools to correctly interpret the patient's condition (computer aided diagnosis), to accurately predict the future evolution (computer aided prognosis), and to precisely simulate and monitor an optimal and personalized therapeutic strategy (computer aided therapy). First applications concern high impact diseases including brain tumors, Alzheimer's disease, heart failure and cardiac arrhythmia and will open new horizons in computational medical imaging.